
Sunday, February 5, 2012

The View From My Front Door

We live smack dab in the middle of a pasture here at Yellow Creek Farm. While that may present a problem for some folks, we have found it to be the source of many memorable and entertaining moments.

Just imagine opening your front door on a sunny spring morning and catching sight of a momma cow with her new calf.  No matter how many times I witness the evolution of life here, following the process still fills me with awe. From the moment you first realize that a cow is again with calf, you then watch her progress through the next few months, belly swelling and teats filling with life-giving mother's milk, preparing for the birth of her baby.

Beautiful Girl and  her spring calf
Skeeter's Mom and her new baby
Every once in a while, somebody likes to get up close and personal.  That's always an exciting moment for me.  To know that an animal trusts me that much is pretty awesome.

Checking out my camera!
Living here among these animals has added a whole new dimension to my life.  Not only awe-inspiring, but enjoying the peacefulness that everyday encounters with these creatures can bring.  However, these wonderful animals aren't always the only sights we see when we open our front door.  Once in a while, a little boy appears and wants to play.

"Let's go to the creek, Aunt Gwennie!"
That's pretty awesome, too!



  1. Replies
    1. My goodness!! Thanks Debbie....that's the nicest compliment :-)
