I am self-diagnosed ADD, and therefore, untreated! I am one of the most organized unorganized people I know (which translates to: "I know where everything is, but don't try to find it yourself." ) I have a long list of unfinished projects that I won't bore you with, but to which my family can attest. Example: When I decided to paint my kitchen cabinets a wonderful vintage green color, I painted two drawers and decided to wait before just "hauling off" and painting the rest until I had "lived with the color" for a while. You know, just to make sure it would work for me. It took ohhhhhhh.........about 3 years before I made my final decision, took myself down to Lowes, and bought enough paint to complete that project. Notice, I did say "complete", for which I was quite proud of myself!
So, this is the start of sharing my adventures with you and and giving you a sense of all of the good stuff that goes along with living on a little spot of land in the country. Hope you enjoy..…